Nom : El Hadj Mamadou NGUER
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Catégorie : Chercheurs statutaires
Grade : Maître de Conférence en Informatique
Profession : Enseignant chercheur en Informatique
Curriculum vitae :
Low-resource Neural Machine Translation: Benchmarking State-of-the-art Transformer for Wolof↔French.

In this paper, we propose two neural machine translation (NMT) systems (French-to-Wolof and Wolof-to-French) based on sequence-to-sequence with attention and Transformer architectures. We trained our models on the parallel French-Wolof corpus (Nguer et al., 2020) of about 83k sentence pairs. Because of the low-resource setting, we experimented with advanced methods for handling data sparsity, including subword segmentation, backtranslation and the copied corpus method. We evaluate the models using BLEU score and find that the transformer outperforms the classic sequence-to-sequence model in all settings, in addition to being less sensitive to noise. In general, the best scores are achieved when training the models on subword-level based units. For such models, using backtranslation proves to be slightly beneficial in low-resource Wolof to high-resource French language translation for the transformer-based models. A slight improvement can also be observed when injecting copied monolingual text in the target language. Moreover, combining the copied method data with backtranslation leads to a slight improvement of the translation quality.

El Hadj Mamadou NGUER

Année 2022; Edition LREC; Editeur LREC; Pages 6654-6661

SenTekki: Online Platform and Restful Web Service for Translation Between Wolof and French.

In this article, we propose a machine translation Web Service and Platform for Wolof, a low-resource Niger-Congolese language. We first developed a Transformer model, and different configurations adapted to these models to translate between Wolof and French. We trained the model on a very limited amount of French-Wolof parallel data of approximately 85,000 parallel sentences. The best model was able to achieve a good performance of around 28 BLUE score. We then developed a web platform that allows text to be translated between French and Wolof, but also a RestFull Web Service that will allow other applications to benefit from the translation service.

El Hadj Mamadou NGUER

Année 2022; Edition Intersol; Editeur Springer; Pages 290–298

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